Well, we have been back home in Cali for some time now from Miami. Enjoying our family, friends and especially the weather. Miami was very humid and Expensive!! Kam is in the process of studying for his step and I am back in school to continue my education for nursing. It's tough with both of us in school and just sometimes not having enough time to enjoy life and especially being broke from school expenses, but we look toward the future:) It will all pay off.
So in the process of planning for our 2012 wedding, Kam's mom asked that we move our Cambodian Wedding to May, instead of August!!! AHhhhhhh, I Freaked and then just realized we get to celebrate all year long. Cambodian wedding in May and Traditional wedding in August:) Soo excited!! We are slowly planning and hope to take our Engagement photos in December after his step. Keep everyone posted!!