In Love

In Love

Sunday, September 5, 2010

We made a Safe and Scary Landing:)

Thanku for the Prayers:)  We finally arrived to Dominica after 4 long, tense flights. It was a very long day, but happy to have made it. Our taxi drive was probably the worst part of it. It was a 40 minute drive with a small one car road, and they drive on the opposite side, OMG!! scary. we definitely got car sick. But we are safe and i'm learning and exploring the island before kam starts school. thanku again. love us. 

1 comment:

  1. My name is Nikki...I'm dating a firstie (he just moved there in August), but I stayed back in the States. Since he's been there distance has done something to our relationship that we both didn't expect- instead of pushing us apart it has brought us immensly 'closer'. I'm prospecting the idea of moving out there and doing a lot of research. Since finding the RSO and reading some Spouses blogs, I've had a lot of optomism about the situation.

    I'm looking forward to more of your blog posts as I seriously consider this in my own life!
