In Love

In Love

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Last night in DOminica;)

Today and tonight will be bitter sweet! I have made such great life-long friends here on this tiny island. From the day I decided to move here with my love, and finally jumped on the plane, I would not have imagined a feeling like this. It was very tough, scary, but delightful. I have seen many beautiful places and not so hot spots, lol. But over all, I will leave a part of my heart here. 

This is just another journey in our life together. We have built a relationship so powerful, we will conquer many more obstacles to come. A special thanks to my family for being so understanding and allowing me to fly away from the nest for a bit and especially my friends back home for all their love and support. And now I have added a few more people to my life, whom I will miss plenty. You are beautiful, strong and amazing women. Loveu girls:) 

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